Honeyrun Farm Holiday Open House, December 7, 2024, 8 am - 5 pm
Jayne Barnes
We're opening up our Honey House to shoppers! We're setting up a "pop up shop" in the honey house so you can browse all our items in person. Although you can still find our items in our roadside farmstand and pay using the honor system year round, our Holiday Open House is a one day event that will give you a chance to see many of the beeswax candles and gift boxes that are not always available in the farmstand. We accept cash, credit cards, and checks. We'll have free hot cider and cookies, and will be spinning Christmas records. All are welcome. It will be on December 7th, 8 am - 5 pm, at our farm at 9642 Randle Road, Williamsport, Ohio 43164.
Beeswax Christmas tree candles will be on display at our Holiday Open House
Christmas ornaments from a previous Holiday open house
We have 35 varieties of soap available.
Honeysticks make great stocking stuffers!
Spring, Summer, and Fall honey- sample them all!
Hope to see you there!