Planet G
Jayne Barnes
-Posted by Isaac
Welcome to Planet Goldenrod.
Where the bees find happiness.
Where the pollen traps are quickly filled.
Can a praying mantis also find happiness?
Where the floral world has exploded in orange.
With a little white here and there…
If it’s time for a pollen run, my Baby Girl, my Princess will usually insist on riding along. She’s a real nature lover. A bee-hugger. Not to mention a great helper and sampler.
Yesterday I told her all about Greta Thunberg and the school kids skipping a day to get out and save the planet.
Eden thought this sounded like a good idea. I suggested that perhaps she learn to read before becoming an Earth activist.
Let’s stick with Planet G for now.
Gretta of the Goldenrod…
We’ll stay in school for the time being.
This week Jayne asked me to collect some pollen run footage for social media.
Most pollen runs are in the mornings. I’m alone almost always. It’s cool, the bees are calm, and I can wear a t-shirt.
Not so after school.
It’s nice to have my Baby Girl along. She’s a helper, she’s a sampler, and she’s a photographer. But the thing is, in the heat of the afternoon, you almost have to suit up.
The air is filled with commotion. For the bees in mid-September, there most definitely is a Planet G.