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9642 Randle Rd
Williamsport, OH, 43164

Honeyrun Farm produces pure raw, honey, handcrafted soap, and beeswax candles in Williamsport, Ohio


Come visit us! Holiday Open House Dec. 1st and 2nd

Jayne Barnes

-posted by Jayne

It’s been a week of WORK here at Honeyrun Farm. For some, more than others. I came down with a nasty virus on Monday and was on the couch until Wednesday evening. Eden got to spend some time beekeeping with dad. I think she enjoyed herself.

Queen of the hive

Queen of the hive

Katie and Kristen kept the honey house going, filling a large order for corporate gifts:


Today I’d like to take the opportunity to invite you to our honey house for our annual Open House, Dec. 1st (9-6) and 2nd (12-6). For more info- see our facebook event page here:

Just like years past, we will be turning our honey house into a retail space. We’ll work around extractors, wax spinners, buckets and barrels to create a shopping area where you can sample honey, view gift baskets and candles, or even create your own custom gift basket if you’d like.


Our employee Katie has a nice collection of holiday decorations she loans out to us to help give the honey house into a fun, festive atmosphere.


I remember when I was a kid, sometimes my parents would take us to an open house because they were giving out free hot dogs. It was usually a farm implement shop, hardware store, or something of that sort. I was always amazed… free hot dogs… really… free?! Well, we’re gonna top the free hot dog and give away free cookies, hot cider, and even have a few raffle prizes we’ll be giving away throughout the weekend. I promise I will not judge you if you only show up for the free cookies. Hope to see you there!
