You do what with that black stuff?
Jayne Barnes
-posted by Jayne
Activated Charcoal. It’s gaining popularity these days for a variety of home remedies and skin issues. Made from coal, wood, or other natural substances, it can be used to remove toxins and drugs from the body. I spotted it in a soap about 8 years ago when I was traveling and visiting a farmer’s market, so I decided to try it in a recipe for myself. After creating just one batch I was hooked, as were our customers. Our activated charcoal soap has become our second best-selling bar of soap (the first being Lemongrass). Pictured below is a bit of our soap making process-- the last step- cutting it into bars.
An 8 lb. block of soap ready to cut into two logs of soap.
Isaac fashioned this log cutter from a guitar string. We have used this for the past 11 years.
The individual bar cutter- cuts the logs into 3.8 oz bars.
At the Lithopolis Honeyfest a few weeks ago one of our friends (a fellow Scioto Valley Beekeeper Club member) came to our booth and said he was going to buy a bar of our soap for the very first time and wanted to know which one I would recommend. I told him about our two best-sellers, and asked if he was aware of the many uses of Activated Charcoal. He looked at me kinda funny and said, “Well, I’ve heard that some people use it in their pants….”
I was a little puzzled at first, but then I remembered reading the reviews on Amazon when I bought my first bag of Activated Charcoal, and started laughing. Some people actually put activated charcoal in their underwear to dispel the smell of their gas. There is even a product on amazon called “Subtle Butt: disposable gas neutralizers.” I’ll let you follow that link if you need a good laugh… and be sure to read the reviews.
I regret to tell you- he ultimately settled on the Lemongrass soap and left our Activated Charcoal soap for the next (more adventurous) customer. Is that you? If so, you’re in luck. I have our Activated Charcoal with Rosemary and Eucalyptus Soap on sale until Monday at 5 p.m. Normally $4.50 a bar, I have it marked down to $3.00 (this discount is available online only).
And if you’re wondering why you’re getting a post from Jayne and not Isaac- I’m giving him a break as he is recovering from his Ultra race this past weekend. He ran the Vermont 50 Mile Run in 7:33:19. The hilly course had a 9000 foot vertical, so he is a little sore. 4th place! And he was 1st in the masters category so we were rewarded with some maple syrup and a shiny medal.
Next week on the blog: Stay tuned for a tribute to a few of our partners that sell our products in locations around Ohio.