Show me the Honey!
Jayne Barnes
-Posted by Isaac
Let us now bow our heads and ask a blessing on this, the Lord's bountiful spring harvest.
The Lord giveth!
Oh sweet nectar! Milk Of The Gods!
We've been hard at it for a week now and the spring honey is aflowin'. Beautiful, light, floral spring honey! Gorgeous! Probably the best thing you've ever tasted. Or at least the best thing you've had since this time last year.
Unlike last year we're not swimming in it, thanks to that stretch of rain and cold during our late April bloom. But all the same, it's not too shabby. The very strongest hives still filled three supers.
Wish we had a few more of those!
We're about a third done at this point.
The Lafe Man has been clocking up the hours in the extracting room.
While I take advantage of these beautiful spring days in the bee yards.
It's hot, it's sweaty, it's heavy hard labor. And probably my very favorite thing to do.... Pulling honey!
Getting the honey off the hives and to the honey house-- A necessary job, but not the only job. Maybe not even the most important. Almost daily, a sampling crew comes out to meet the returning bee truck.
It's called quality control!