A Beautiful Thing
Jayne Barnes
-Posted by Isaac
A lot happened this week on the bee farm.
Yes of course much of the work surrounded the bees themselves.
About half of the hives that went into the apples are now supered up and enjoying greener pastures in their out yards. And the honeysuckle just started to bloom! A beautiful thing.
The other half are still here, waiting to be moved. All the apple pollinators were split on the last week of March, and I've found that about half of them need split again. Not a hard split, but a frame or two or three... Just enough to temper that swarming instinct. Yes, another beautiful thing-- strong hives!
But we couldn't spend all our time on bees.
This year we're planting pasture and buckwheat in the field adjacent to the honey house. I was able to disk, seed, and drag the three acre pasture just before the rains came yesterday evening. It was only possible with the help of an ace rock picking crew. The buckwheat will follow next week. Or whenever things dry up.
And another big event happening yesterday-- We got our 4-H goats! Or I should say Mason got his goats. It's his project.
But Maizy has already deemed herself the goat expert and, well, the boss.
With great power comes great responsibility.
To celebrate our new arrivals we hit up Underdogs for some ice cream.
Still the boss.
The biggest thing going on this week was the nuc sales.
We were seeing so many go, I felt like we needed a sign.
Confusing the locals...
The photo below is Laura Urban and Apiary Dave. They departed with 80 beauties, hit up Dan Williams in Frankfort for some wholesale comb honey, then drove all the way to the Akron area. I was a little worried because it was such a long trip and the afternoon temps went over 80 degrees. But she texted with the good news that all went well and the bees looked great.
It truly was a beautiful thing.