Honeyrun Farm

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April awesomeness

-Posted by Isaac

Sorry about the delay. Just about the time I tried to post this (way back in April), the internet went down. So we’ve been working off our phones for three days, taking care of orders, and answering nuc questions. But it’s beyond me to try and post a blog from my phone.

My little Easter mishap is all but a distant bad memory. We’re back on track.

Plugging away on the nucs, hopefully not killing any more. Last Friday the first big wholesale order went out.

And we’re set for three more orders next week. I’m feeling almost caught up. It’s been somewhat of a grind, slopping through the mud, chasing bees and brood.

As you know, April can be dicy.

But I’m thankful that we’re at least seeing some heat. I think we’re finally in the clear as far as chilling brood is concerned.

My friend Kim McCoy posted some interesting pictures this week. This is April 26th this year:

And the same scene, April 26th last year:

Wow! Remember our never-ending winter of 2018? Those shots made it evident that I shouldn’t be whining and crying too loud. Comparatively, we’re sitting pretty in 2019.

We have heat, we just need to dodge the rain… almost daily.

Or suck it up and work through it.

It’s only water, right? The second load of pollinators went into the apples this week. This time to the Lynd Fruit Farm above Pataskala. It was all done in a downpour. But thankfully my buddy Philippe and another friendly non-english speaker jumped on the forklifts. Two forklifts! They made quick work of it.

Almost before I could dry off, I found myself trucking honey south in the sunshine. The gods took pity and gave us one very beautiful morning to set up for the Chillicothe Earth Gathering.

Saturday was big. Jayne handled Worthington while Jeanne and Jamie worked the festival. I spent the day in the bee yards, continuing with our nuc collections. It was dry for once… I simply couldn’t not work bees.

A dry spell that lasted all of eight hours. By evening, I gathered up honey and tables and tents in the rain. Oh well. At least we have heat.

Aside from the May flowers, April showers bring something else. Something far more special. Almost magical.

And oh, so tasty!

This truly is living the high life. We’ve been breakfasting on morels every morning.

And if I’m lucky, sometimes in the evening. The wet bee suit comes off, the kids get put to bed, out comes a bottle of wine and the mushrooms. Maybe an old episode of Game of Thrones if there’s time. We’re catching up.

The next day, with the bee suit dry, out the door I go. Think it’ll rain?

Yeah, probably.

It’s awesome, isn’t it?