Honeyrun Farm

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The End. Of Everything.

-Posted by Isaac

We've had six days of no sun and it's beginning to wear on me. Not that I should complain. At least our house isn't floating into the Atlantic Ocean. We've still got electric, still got the warm stove.

I used to be spoiled and much worse. When I lived in Colorado we'd routinely have two straight weeks of brilliant blue skies and sun on the shimmering mountains. Then a cloud would pass over, it might get cold for about three minutes and I along with other complaining ski bums would let our frustrations be known. My weather sensibilities have both matured and dulled living here in the Midwest. I've come to find out that to make it here comfortably a person has to be a lot tougher and a bit more stupid. (Maizy says, "We don't say stupid!"
Just take it as it comes, stand there in the cold rain and chew your cud.

That's why Romney and Obama spend all their time here campaigning. They know we'll show up to vote, by God, rain, sleet or snow. We just can't decide on who or what...

Well, the depressing title of this post reflects my mood right now. (Particularly after last week's awesome warm days.) The joys of Summer and Fall are coming to a close. Here are a few recent shots of the last of...

The last Summer market
The last picnic at Deer Creek
The last leafy soccer game
The last pull of Fall honey
 Incidentally I found out something funny about this bee yard up near London. It happens to be on land that was recently acquired by Bill Gates. Yes, that Bill Gates. Apparently he's in the buying up land, they're-not-making-any-more-of-it business much like Ted Turner. This farm was bought for $10,000 an acre! What a tycoon. So now I've got to somehow give Mr. Microsoft his 24 pounds of rent honey. Oh bother.

The last hurrah for the bees
This was a picture from several weeks ago but I don't think there will be any more happy honey super clean-outs for our home yard bees.

The last hay ride
Hopefully not the last bonfire.

The last of the outdoor coop
Yes, even the chickens move inside for the winter, cooped up in the barn out of the wind. For now they're still pecking around looking for the last bugs of Fall, but it won't be long. The weather has changed and like it or not, bees, chickens, people, we all have to face the music.

Or get the heck outta here.